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That's me on my daddy's knee!

Some little boys grow up to be great theologians, philosophers, or thinkers. One grew up to be me. I am a Sr. Mainframe Engineer by trade so I fancy myself a capabable thinker. I also fancy myself a capable writer. I hope you find that to be the case.


I was raised in a Christian home and was handed a Christian worldview by my parents. I've been a Christian since I was six years old so it's been a 50+ year philosophical, theological journey. I've done a lot of rethinking, reworking, and refiguring in that 50+ years to advance my philosophies and my theologies to the ones I hold today.  Funny thing is ... 

G. K. Chesterton once wrote


Now, I have to put together a general proposition, and I pretend to no training in such things. I propose to do it, therefore, by writing down one after the other the three or four fundamental ideas which I have found for myself, pretty much in the way that I found them. Then I shall roughly synthesise them, summing up my personal philosophy or natural religion; then I shall describe the startling discovery that the whole thing had been discovered before. It had been discovered by Christianity.​


In other words, mom and dad turned out to be right all along.


Again, to quote Chesterton:


I did, like all other solemn little boys, try to be in advance of the age. Like them I tried to be some ten minutes in advance of the truth. And I found that I was [two thousand] years behind it.


So, after seriously considering all sides and finding my personal worldview to actually be two thousand years old, I offer myself as a human spectacle; someone through whom both sides (Christian or not) can see more clearly how the other side thinks.


If you are a Christian, I hope this blog helps you think through what you believe. I hope it raises hard questions and adds a good dose of reality to your Christian worldview. I hope that you, like me, end up right where you started, only with better answers to harder questions. I hope it makes you think.


And if you are not, I hope this blog adds perspective to your reality and raise questions - questions I faced for myself - that cannot be satisfactorily answered by a purely humanistic worldview. And, as for the Christians among whom I count myself, I hope it makes you think.


Whoever you are, I hope you find it interesting.


I wrote this prayer to a group of atheists several years ago; it has since become my life purpose statement.


My prayer is simply that if the God I believe in is real, and if He somehow begins to reveal Himself to you, that you would consider it - that you would not hold the actions, lame arguments and general unattractiveness of His people against Him.  My hope is that I will fulfill my purpose here and simply make the idea of following Jesus a little less ridiculous than you might've once thought it was.

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